
Oh, the blog. I’ve struggled with exactly what I’ve wanted this blog to be, content wise. At first, I thought it would be a travel and interior design blog, but then I started posting on a wide variety of things. Next I thought it might be a lifestyle blog, like so many out there (I’m sure you could quickly name 5 or 10), but lately I’ve been realizing I want it to be what it is, unlabeled. That means there will be times of lots of posting, and sporadic posting, posts on recipes, trips, dreams, hardships, design, books, family, everything.

I would guess that blogs that stick to specific topics are most appealing, as readers know exactly what they are going to get, but there is also something about the randomness. Thinking of my favorite blogs, they don’t have an outfit post on Monday, tutorial on Tuesday, etc. The writer lets it flow and mixes it up.

So that’s what you can expect to see here, the unexpected.