
Labor Day weekend Luke and I cruised up to northern California to visit his family in Santa Cruz. I’ve flown up to visit numerous times, but I’ve never driven north of Santa Barbara. I think I was almost as excited for the drive as I was to actually arrive at our destination.

We took the 5 up on Friday after work, which took about 5 hours and 45 minutes. The 5 is nice because you can go fast, we were doing about 80 the whole way, but it’s a pain to get to Santa Cruz from there. You have to go on all sorts of backroads and once off the highway it takes about another hour and a half.

On the way down, we took the 101, which has much better access from SC. This drive is pretty, as it goes along the coast for some time. We hit bad traffic in Santa Barbara, so our drive back ended up taking about 6.5 hours, including a quick stop for lunch.

All in all, I have to say that I am a fan of the roadtrip. It is a great time to talk and catch up, and you see more of the state or country than you see from 30,000 feet.